1080 - Hospital of St Johns started in Jerusalem
1099 - Christians capture Jerusalem in 1st Crusade.
1113 - Recognised by Pope as Religious Order.
1291 - Knights of St John leave Holy Land.
1309 - Knights of St John move to Rhodes.
1381 - Robert Hales beheaded in Pole Tax riots in London.
1480 - Turkish attack on Rhodes defeated.
1504 - Thomas Docwra completes St John Gate.
1522 - Turkish drive Knights of St John from Rhodes.
1530 - Knights of St John settle on Malta.
1540 - King HenryVIII did away with Order of St John.
1565 - Siege of Malta.
1798 - Napolean Captures Malta.
1877 - St John Ambulance started.
1882 - St. Johns Opthalmic hospital started in Jerusalem.
1887 - St John Ambulance started.
1888 - British Order of St John became Royal Order of Chivalry.
1914 - WWI started.
1922 - St Johns Cadets started.
1939 - WWII started.
1968 - St John Ambulance Brigade / St Johns Ambulance Assoc. merge to become St. Johns Ambulance.
1987 - St Johns Badgers started.
Notice the similarities between the badge and the 'Knights Hospitallers' Cross.

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